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gall bladder 膽囊。

gall gnat

The typical cases which are sensitative in this recently years such as tiger ( bone ) , bear ( gall bladder ) , musk deer , yew and tcm in gerneral have been analyzsed , the tactics and decisions made at that time and their positve and negative effects to the future were throughly discussed in this part and the lessons need to be beared in mind were therefore summarized 再佐以近年來十分敏感的虎、熊、麝、紅豆杉及傳統中醫藥總體形象等五個典型案例,對當時采取的對策、決定以及得失進行了具體分析,總結了經驗教訓。最終根據上述背景情況、面臨問題及當前的工作環境,針對“行政管理”這一范疇,提出具體解決機制。

Over 30 , 000 species of animals and plants ( whether alive , dead , stuffed , parts or derivatives ; including skin , hair , egg , meat , tooth , horn , bone , shell , skeleton , gall bladder , bile and scale ) are listed in cap 這些物種,不論是活生還是死亡,已制成標本,又或只是其皮、毛、蛋、肉、牙、角、骨、殼、骨骼、膽、膽汁或鱗片等身體部分或衍生物,均受管制。

Obesity is a major culprit for many chronic disabling conditions including cardiovascular diseases , degenerative joint , gall bladder diseases as well as gynaecological and gastrointestinal malignancies 肥胖會誘發多種慢性疾病,如心血管病、關節退化、膽囊病、以及一些惡性婦產或腸胃科疾病。

Sun bears , who have orange - yellow markings on their chests , are hunted for their gall bladders and paws which are used in traditional chinese medicine 馬來熊一向以其胸部特有的橙黃相間的斑紋而著稱,人們以前熱衷于捕獵它們主要是為了獲取熊膽和熊掌,以便制作東亞地區的傳統藥物。

Generally , raw herbs are more efficient in clearing away the effects of stress on the heart and small intestine , liver and gall bladder , nausea and vomiting due to stomach stress 通常本藥品用于清心火小腸火,清肝膽火及治療胃火引起之嘔吐昏暈,以上記載以現代醫學術語為緊迫。

Tests on animals showed they could get through the stomach wall and the peritoneum to repair the intestines , liver , pancreas , gall bladder and uterus 對動物的測試表明醫生可以穿過胃壁和腹膜,修復腸子、肝臟、胰腺、膽囊和子宮。

Bile - fluid produced by liver cells and carried by bile ductules into the bile duct and stored in gall bladder between meals 膽汁? ?由肝細胞產生的液體,由膽小管輸送到膽管,在進餐間隙儲存在膽囊。

Clean it off scales . cut it open . make sure to gut it , and never break gall bladder 先把鱗刮干凈了,再把肚子剖開,一定記得要把內臟掏了,膽千萬別弄破。

Constriction effect of daidzein on guinea pig ' s gall bladder the spontaneous constriction 大豆苷元對豚鼠離體膽囊自發性收縮運動的影響

Diabetes , gall bladder disease , abnormal blood cholesterol levels , sleep apnoea 糖尿病、膽囊疾病、血液膽固醇水平異常、睡眠窒息癥。

Gall bladder trocar 膽囊套針

The effect of daidzein on guinea pig ' s gall bladder constriction and its mechanism 不同茶葉及茶多酚對高脂飼料致大鼠脂肪肝的影響

Gall bladder drainage tube 膽囊引流管

Gall bladder traction forceps 膽囊牽開鉗

Gall bladder disease , osteoarthritis , sleep apnoea and some types of cancer 膽囊病骨關節炎睡眠窒息癥和部分癌癥